Q&A: Rich Keith, Fourth Floor Creative

Fourth Floor Creative is a marketing agency specialising in creative work, particularly in the video games sector. Managing Director, Rich Keith, is going to be joining us at Interactive Futures to talk about all things on video game marketing and the rise and impact of influencers. We caught up with him to find out more about what makes him tick.
Working in video game marketing, what’s the best thing about your job?
We get to work with some of the most creative people in the world – the creators and the game devs. Also I still get to tell people I play games for a living. It isn’t strictly true but it’s what people have always assumed so I’m happy to go with it.
Can you tell us a little more about Fourth Floor Creative and what you do?
We’re a specialist infleuncer marketing agency, which is really to say that we bring partner with creators on YouTube, Twitch and other platforms to help them deliver creative, fun, engaging campaigns for brands looking to reach their audiences.
You set up Fourth Floor Creative in partnership with the ‘UK’s kings of YouTube’. Yogscast. How did that come about?
I’d worked with the Yogscast – who we still manage and where I’m still the CRO – for many years and felt that the existing agencies didn’t value or understand what the creators could bring to branded content. Our focus is to change that and make sure that the videos or streams are something special and that everyone – brand, creator and audience – all get value from them.
Which upcoming releases are you most looking forward to?
The new Crash Team Racing.
What advice would you give to youngsters who want to get into a career in media or creative sectors?
If you want to be a creator then you need to have something new and notable to bring. The competition is legion. Also know that it takes time to build an audience. Jack Black might have got 2m subs in a week but he’s been building an audience for nearly 20 years.
Finally, what is your favourite ever video game?
That’s very hard. It’s a tossup between the first Metal Gear Solid and Uncharted 2. But I’d probably say something else if you asked me again tomorrow.